Welcome to my Summer 2008 EDU422 Blog! My name is Andrea Welch. I am a true California girl. I was born and raised in Oceanside, California an exciting beach city with a lot to do and many amazing people to meet. I went to El Camino High School in Oceanside until I graduated in 2003. Ever since the end of that summer, I have been a student at Cal State San Marcos. It has been 5 years since my career began at CSUSM, but I have FINALLY graduated! My B.A. is in Liberal Studies with a Depth of Study in Linguistics. I am very excited to begin the middle level teaching credential program at CSUSM so that I can eventually hold a teaching position at a middle school teaching English. I have an extremely nerdy passion for literature which I hope to instill in my future students!
I am looking forward to gaining some important educational technology tools from this class. At the moment, I would call myself "computer literate", however I am far from "computer savvy" which I hope to call myself once this course is complete. When I was first introduced to computers as a child, I used Macs. Remember the gigantic computers and "Oregon Trail"? I do, and therefore, the Mac platform is forever embedded in my little computer brain. As PCs became popular during my high school years, I began to use them, but uncomfortably (as if this time wasn't already a dark age). It was undeniable however that I would return to Macs in college and I have been happy ever since.
Because of the time that I have spent at CSUSM I am very familiar with the College of Education Mission Statement. Not only was this mission statement the reason why I wanted to get my teaching credential from CSUSM, but it has been an integral part of my education at this school. CSUSM COE truly abides by this mission statement and its' prevalence is evident in the instructional materials used, verbiage, attitudes, even grading practices of almost all of the faculty members that I have encountered. The mission statement reflects the College of Education's commitment to diversity, educational equity, and lifelong learning. As a product of the College and its' embedded belief set, I feel that I will be a well-prepared educator because I will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to deal with the difficulties of the current educational system. The College has also instilled a love of learning and knowledge-seeking in me that I hope to one day transfer to my students.
Hi Andrea! I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially about your comments regarding the Mission Statement. I agree in that I too am quite impressed by our school's emphasis on and consistency in carrying out our goals as educators in such a diverse world.
Hi Andrea!
I'm glad we got into this class this session, I feel like the learning in this class will be fun. I love linguistics! I'm a nerd too it's okay. Who did you have for the majority of your coursework? I LOVE profesor Ahlers. She was actually the one who made me want to add the minor. Hope you're having a good Summer! See you tonight :)
I also grew up in Oceanside. However, I went to the schools rival Oceanside High School in the 1990's. I think is great that you have already completed your degree. I also remember the Oregon Trails and the horrible graphics that it had. Plus all the program would freeze a lot when you almost done with a task. Best of luck teaching middle school.tx
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